Cognitive Behaviour Therapy A peer reviewed, multidisciplinary journal devoted to the application of behavioural and cognitive sciences to clinical psychology and psychotherapy.
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Predictors of engagement with between-session work
An initial test of a new self-guided internet-based intervention for social anxiety: iExposure
Impact of three variants of prolonged exposure therapy on comorbid diagnoses in patients with childhood abuse-related PTSDT
A randomised controlled evaluation of an online perfectionism intervention for people with disordered eating – how perfect does it need to be?
Mediators during a multimodal intervention for stress-induced exhaustion disorder
The relationships between perfectionism and symptoms of depression, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis
The effectiveness of cognitive behavioural therapy in chronic neck pain: A systematic review with meta-analysis
Special issue: CBT training, supervision and implementation
Reducing safety behaviors to prevent anxious symptoms: A pre-registered prevention intervention study
50th anniversary and new impact factor
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