Tag Archives: Cognitive behavioral

Task-Shifting to Improve the Reach of Mental Health Interventions for Trauma Patients: Findings from a Pilot Study of Trauma Nurse Training in Patient-Centered Activity Scheduling for PTSD and Depression

Text by: Doyanne Darnell Each year in the U.S. 1.5-2.5 million people suffer traumatic injury requiring inpatient hospitalization. The nation’s trauma care system is highly effective in saving lives, being well-coordinated within geographic regions to provide a full continuum of medical care and responsive to best-practice guidelines based on up-to-date …

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Inside the Black Box: What Accounts for Improvement in Internet-Delivered CBT for Maternal Depression

The World Health Organization ranks depression as the greatest contributor to disability world-wide. Mothers of young children are at high risk for depression, especially mothers experiencing economic difficulties. The impairment depression creates for women places their children at increased risk of emotional and behavioral difficulties. Though effective treatments exist, barriers …

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