Advancing cognitive behaviour therapy for older adults with comorbid insomnia and depression

It is widely known that our sleep affects our mood. This is particularly relevant as we grow older because the prevalence of insomnia increases substantially with older age. Exciting research indicates that treating insomnia with cognitive behaviour therapy can reduce depression. This raises an interesting therapeutic design question: Could a new program that includes strategies for both insomnia and depression produce better outcomes? The attached article critically reviews recent research developments and provides suggestions to advance treatment for older adults with comorbid insomnia and depression.

Read the full paper: Sadler, P., McLaren, S., Klein, B. & Jenkins, M. (in press). Advancing cognitive behaviour therapy for older adults with comorbid insomnia and depressionCognitive Behaviour Therapy. doi:10.1080/16506073.2017.1359206

Paul Sadler


Photo by: Tosh Chiang

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